Aquapak has already established a market for eco laundry bags in its first target market Australia, where they are being used in hospitals and hotels to contain dirty and/or contaminated laundry.
Benefits to laundry bag manufacturers
- Laundry bags made from Aquapak polymer give an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional polythene laundry bags
- Aquapak polymer can be used in existing machinery
- Full, proven technology transfer from Aquapak Polymers team
- End-of-life bag disposal designed-in by being completely dissolved in hot water
- Aquapak polymer is non-toxic, marine safe and dissolves in hot water to leave just water, carbon dioxide and mineralised biomass
Benefits to laundry bag end users
- Strong and functional – no need to double bag; no tearing or bursting
- Can be put straight into the washing machine without needing to open or debag
- Whole bag dissolves in hot wash without residue to clean from machine or laundry (i.e. end of life designed in)
- Reduced machine breakdown and maintenance as no plastic residue left
- Elimination of toxic landfill and incineration waste
- No incineration means cost savings from reduced linen replacement
Aquapak has recently shared a case study detailing how laundry bags and cytotoxic bags made from Aquapak polymer are being used in Australia. DB Packaging supply these to hospitals and care homes, hotels and commercial laundries. They approached Aquapak as they wanted an ‘eco’ version that would retain the strength, puncture resistance, barrier properties and durability of traditional laundry bags whilst reducing the amount of contaminated bed linen which had to be incinerated. The resulting bags remove the process of having to remove laundry from bags before washing and negate the occupational health and safety risks when there is heavily soiled, infectious or cytotoxic content. Cytotoxic linen is also easily identified. To read the case study please click here.
Commenting on this recent launch, Mark Lapping, CEO at Aquapak said, “It’s fantastic to see Aquapak polymer being made into laundry and cytotoxic bags that in turn are improving health and safety whilst reducing processing costs. We look forward to finding partners with whom we can expand this transformation into other territories such as the USA.”
Companies interested in this opportunity, please contact Aquapak’s USA representative, Bill Miller on 800-664-7030 or email bill@millergroup.us / info@aquapakpolymers.com.